Saturday, February 9, 2013

- randomness

errrr.. hello. Sorry for abandoning my blog for such a long time :\ I DIDN'T MEAN TO. I told myself "must blog today" "must blog today" almost everyday but guess what? Time flies, the day had gone like that and I HAVEN'T BLOG for that day. -.- forgive me.

So today I'm going to share some random things that happened in this few weeks. :D

1.  Commencement of new semester.
Yeap, here comes the second semester. The new timetable is so much nicer compared to the last semester cuz only three days of classes in a week :p Not get used to all the new lecturers yet, I miss Ms.Lau and Mr.Siva :( 
btw my new accounting lecturer is so pretty! lolllllll

2. "Once Upon A Time" promo tour in SEGi University.

nice song!

omgomgomg. Alvin is so handsome and cute. Can't take my eyes off him. hahahaha x) wtf I sound so crazy. I actually ran up to Auditorium then ran down to class, then ran up again to the auditorium to take a picture of Alvin. hahahha #typicalfans
Alvin is also graduated from SEGi yoooooo, ex-SEGian. :D

3. SHOPPPPPPPing for Chinese New Year :)

went to few places to get new clothes. Sunway Pyramid, 1U, TS, Sg.Wang, Pavillion, H&M etc. CNY is always a good excuse for shopping, right girls? Bought so many stuffs for cny x) Can't wait for the snake year already. :D

Can't stop loving the CNY decorations in 1u.

4. Met up with my "soul-mate" :p

Had a very long time didn't chat with her, like what we always did last semester. I talked a lot while chatting to her. lolll  Always have lotsa "news" to share with her. :)

Finally get to update my blog before the snake year! hehehe. Happy Chinese New Year in advance all my readers! :D

恭喜发财 万事如意 身体健康 学业猛进 步步高升 岁岁平安 越来越美 越来越帅
如意吉祥 团团圆圆 财源滚滚 新年快乐


最后祝我自己 勇气满满。lol wtf.

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