Showing posts with label 【生活】. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 【生活】. Show all posts

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why am I neglecting my blog..?

Phewwwwww~ just settled my 8 assignments. HOHOHOHO!! It's like finally I can enjoy my holidays. I'm so gam dong T.T Now just pray pray and pray, hope I can get good marks for my assignments. Okay so, since when is my last post. I know if I still don't update my blog, then I will be more busier in the future, then neglect my blog again. Wtf it's end of July already. Tomorrow will be my birthday month, yay or nay?! This year I never expect anything for my birthday la, somehow I have the feeling that nobody will remember my birthday wtf. *emo emo* Starting from August I will be real busy! Piano exam (nervous shit. I feel like I haven't prepared anything and it's 21 days away!), video shooting, presentations, dance competition, performances etc etc. I wish I was a hercules so that I can have the superhuman strength to complete all these tasks. T.T Dear lord please be with me. If you are wondering why am I neglecting my blog for so long, here's the reason:

1) Busying with academic stuffs
Yea, as I mentioned above, I have 8 assignments to be done (which is considered less compared to the first semester, 10). Thanks god finally I did it. Perhaps it's an easy task for you but for me, no it's not. Why? Because I am the person who cannot face computer for a very long time or else I will feel dizzy and my eyes will be like --> @.@ Hello, assignments not easy to do one leh especially that business law assignment, need to do a lot of researches, read a lot of cases, and all the bombastic words & law terms.. 我真的不是做律师的料.

2) Take care of my little brother

my handsome boy ♥♥♥

What a long long story to tell.. :'( My cute little brother just did a brain surgery and stayed at hospital for few weeks. Flashed back the moment when I got my dad's phone call, informing me that my lil bro needs a surgery because of a brain hemorrhage, I almost fainted :'( Helpless, scare, confused, worried etc. Keep telling myself that I have to stay tough, stay strong so that I can take care of my parents and my bro. Thanks god he went to the best hospital, had the best doctor, best nurses, everything the best there. Like a dream, everything is just like a dream. I never thought that such incident would happen on my family members. Anyway I learnt how to cherish and appreciate every day, every minute, every moment with my loved ones after this incident. God first, family second. Now I know how much they mean to me. Ohana ♥ Please love your family more!!

3) Practice..
Preparing for piano exam. :'( I need more strength! Damn hate it when my fingers slip off from the piano keys! arghhhhh but I couldn't control lolololll. need more practice.

So yea now you know why I hiatus for so long~ I hope I have more time to update my blog in the coming weeks. Thanks for reading my blog! xoxo.

Monday, January 6, 2014

【In the kitchen】 - Homemade mashed potatoes

Stop making resolutions and just start something. WELL SAID. Sooner I will be achieving my target -> the fit and lean abs like the photo above! arghhhh so tempting  but it requires lotsa self-controls, disciplines and determinations. Gonna conquer myself. heheh.

Today's already the sixth day of new year, how's your new year been? :) Anyway back to the topic! One of my new year resolutions is to learn how to bake. (and cook perhaps?) So yea, I made a bowl of mashed potato yesterday.

I always think that mashed potato is hard to make but the recipe proves me WRONG. Mashed potato is actually super easy to make!

TA-DAAAA! Well the look might not be that attractive but the taste was superb! Here's the recipe.. *gotten from the internet*

Potato (1kg)
Whipping Cream (100ml)
Salt (1 tbsp)
Pepper (1 tbsp)
Butter (100 gm)

p/s: I don't use any brown sauce. 

1. Boil the potatoes. Let it cold and peel off the potatoes skin.
2. After that, mash your skinless potatoes with potato masher until well mashed. (FYI I was using two spoons to mash it la. lolll)
3. Add whipping cream, salt, pepper and butter. Stir them.
4. OPTIONAL -> I heat the mixture up for few minutes using microwave so that it serves warm.
5. DONE! :)

1. 把马铃薯用水煮熟, 待冷却后, 除去皮.
2. 把煮好的马铃薯压碎.
3. 加入whipping cream, 盐, 胡椒粉, 和牛油. 然后把它们搅拌均匀.
4. 可把薯泥弄热, 这样会比较好吃! 哈哈 *个人认为*
5. 完成啦! :)

hehehe hope you guys enjoy! *oops this is my first post on cooking! :O

Thursday, August 22, 2013

19th Birthday.

Hiiiiiii dear readers! I'm back ;) FINALLY I'm done with the final examination, the last examination in my foundation studies. Feel so relieved and relaxed now as I don't need to face all the notes, papers, textbooks or slides for two weeks. *You know what.. I haven't been this slacking ever since semester three started. #restless* YES, MY HOLIDAY HAS OFFICIALLY BEGUN! :D I can do whatever things that I want to do now. Lotsa plans running in my mind now.. I guess I shall jot them down LOL.

So yea, back to the topic. I'm gonna blog about my 19th birthday today. Had first birthday celebration with my girls in un (click me) and the second one with coursemates (click me). The third one with my secondary school babes and the fourth one with my beloved family. 

A mini secondary schoolmates gathering + BBQ session in the house on my birthday eve. 

They surprised me with this lovely cake! Homemade jelly cake from Seen Yee! awwwwww ♥

Had a great night with them. :) 

On the second day, SELAMAT HARI RAYA! and Happy Birthday to me lolllll  Relatives come all the way from JB to KL for holidays :) I'm so excited that day as I can spend my birthday with both of the cutie cousins. 

It's a tradition in our family to have "red eggs" on our birthday, so mummy made me these :)

Have my birthday dinner with family. The restaurant is full of people! OMG luckily mummy make a reservation earlier. Simple yet happy dinner ♥

Birthday cakes for 19th. ^_-

Birthday gifts :3 

You guys really touched my heart. A thousand appreciation and a big bow to you guys for taking the efforts for my birthday. Really appreciate a lot a lot what you guys did for me. Thanks for remembering my birthday :) ♥

So, I'm officially 19 years old now. Age doesn't matter right as long as we're young in our heart :p OKIE done for my birthday blog post! I am going to do a unboxing my new babe blog post next so STAY TUNED :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

19th Birthday Celebration @ LoudSpeaker, Kota Damansara

So I had another early birthday celebration with the coursemates..


Heading to Kepong in the morning for HPV injection with Carene and Joey. After injection we go straight to LoudSpeaker, Kota Damansara for le celebration.

约好了11点,可是接近11点半了还不见大家的踪影~ 不管了,我们三个+Raymond 就先到K房边等边唱。
其实.. 我必须要confess一件事 哈哈哈
在Joey和Raymond唱得很尽兴时  我和Carene说要上厕所。上完了厕所其实我们俩有偷偷地跑下楼 本来想偷看那几个迟到的家伙有没有在楼下准备蛋糕 *死不要脸* 可是还是看不到他们..
所以我们又偷偷地回房了。 p/s: 就觉得他们不可能会一起迟到整整1个小时  所以才会去偷窥的 :p

回到房里  看到Sin Wen蹲在地上  手放在背后  然后她还很扯的说她也去打针手麻痹了所以必须放手在背后  *so phailed~ xD*
其实她手上是藏了两张卡片啦~ To Sin Wen: 对不对?:p

Sin Wen告诉我们说我们进错房了,应该是1号房才对。一推开1号房门,大伙儿就开始唱生日歌  哈哈 
他们还小小布置了那间房  而且有气球哦!♥

看得出他们的用心啦 =) 

蛋糕很漂亮也很好吃  嘻嘻 

 Her belated b'day celebration + my b'day celebration in advance

The group photo ♥

Sing K session! :)

Thanks dear Sin Wen :) 

So.. The celebration ends but our friendship will never end even though we will all be separated after foundation studies. I will definitely miss the moment when I'm being with you guys :)

♥ A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little much of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often - just to save it from drying out completely.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

dr.CAFE COFFEE, The Strand

26/7/13 - a day with my girls.

趁着这一天有空 就赶紧去redeem掉我们的voucher :)

dr.CAFE 其实有蛮多间分行,如果没错的话应该是有9间
我们选择到The Strand, Kota Damansara那间  因为靠近我们学校啦 哈哈

那里的环境不错 很适合high tea, 也很适合温习功课 LOL
食物选择蛮多 每样都很想吃 真的很难做出选择 D:
在那两位小姐的精打细算下 我们order了..........

 Chocolate Croissant *大大力推荐这个 很好吃哟*

Mixed Salad *如果有mayonnaise会更好 -.-*

Chocolate Wafer Cake *这个也不错 哈哈*

 这里总值RM43 :)

饮料方面我们点了apple juice & orange juice :)

Conclusion, 食物ok  环境ok  价钱也ok

dr.CAFE Coffee, The Strand
Lot No. T- 47-G & T-47-1, The Red Carpet Boulevard, Jalan PJU 5/21, Encorp The Strand, Kota Damansara, PJU 5, 47301,Petaling Jaya, Selangor


原本我千百万个不愿意  可是还是被她们硬拉去~
去到了那,See Wei说她要去银行  叫我和Mimi先进去
过了一会儿  Mimi告诉我说See Wei叫她出去帮忙看她park车
我就很好奇  See Wei驾车技术一向来没问题的  怎么可能会叫Mimi帮她看
等等等.. 我在里面等了很~~~~久她们都还没回来

她们的惊喜怎么可以那么天衣无缝  哈哈哈哈
然后她们俩就很小声很斯文地唱生日歌  然后很大声地叫我许愿 吹蜡烛 切蛋糕

有小小感动到啦。哈哈哈哈哈 :p
谢谢你们的心意  谢谢你们的绿茶蛋糕 ♥

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Quick update [2]

- Went to Pulau Pangkor on 23.3.13. a short but refreshing trip! The trip brought a respite from tests and lessons. :)

- Did a play for Academic English final assignment on 27.3.13. 'Snow White and Seven Dwafts'. Quite a good and UNFORGETTABLE experience, hahaha xD not forget to mention that, we got full marks among the three groups :D

 beloved group mates ♥

p/s : the seven dwafts are so cute! x)

 celebrated our FULL MARKS at snowflakes :p

- Celebrated mummy's birthday on 9.4.13. She was so so so surprised when she saw the cake :) mummy, I LOVE YOU. 

- gave an earlier birthday surprise for Fook Sheng and my girl, See Wei. Their birthdays are actually on 18.4 and 25.4 but we celebrated for him and her on 3.4 and 10.3 respectively :p I know right, HALF-MONTH-EARLIER-CELEBRATION. nahhh, is all about exam, exam, exam.. The surprises quite successful, as long as they felt surprised :p

- 15.4.2013 to 17.4.2013, last week of semester two. The time is ever fleeting.. Had so much fun in semester two and I wish I could enjoy my coming semester three of foundation with the gang. :)

- Finals start on 26.4.2013. Done with the core papers, one last paper to go.. ACADEMIC ENGLISH. *you better be easy, better be good to me. :\*

*so as you can see, I ATE A LOT OF CAKES IN APRIL. -.-*



【You are strong and can deal with anything that life throws at you. Take a breath and be filled with the knowledge that you can deal with all things.】

Saturday, February 9, 2013

- randomness

errrr.. hello. Sorry for abandoning my blog for such a long time :\ I DIDN'T MEAN TO. I told myself "must blog today" "must blog today" almost everyday but guess what? Time flies, the day had gone like that and I HAVEN'T BLOG for that day. -.- forgive me.

So today I'm going to share some random things that happened in this few weeks. :D

1.  Commencement of new semester.
Yeap, here comes the second semester. The new timetable is so much nicer compared to the last semester cuz only three days of classes in a week :p Not get used to all the new lecturers yet, I miss Ms.Lau and Mr.Siva :( 
btw my new accounting lecturer is so pretty! lolllllll

2. "Once Upon A Time" promo tour in SEGi University.

nice song!

omgomgomg. Alvin is so handsome and cute. Can't take my eyes off him. hahahaha x) wtf I sound so crazy. I actually ran up to Auditorium then ran down to class, then ran up again to the auditorium to take a picture of Alvin. hahahha #typicalfans
Alvin is also graduated from SEGi yoooooo, ex-SEGian. :D

3. SHOPPPPPPPing for Chinese New Year :)

went to few places to get new clothes. Sunway Pyramid, 1U, TS, Sg.Wang, Pavillion, H&M etc. CNY is always a good excuse for shopping, right girls? Bought so many stuffs for cny x) Can't wait for the snake year already. :D

Can't stop loving the CNY decorations in 1u.

4. Met up with my "soul-mate" :p

Had a very long time didn't chat with her, like what we always did last semester. I talked a lot while chatting to her. lolll  Always have lotsa "news" to share with her. :)

Finally get to update my blog before the snake year! hehehe. Happy Chinese New Year in advance all my readers! :D

恭喜发财 万事如意 身体健康 学业猛进 步步高升 岁岁平安 越来越美 越来越帅
如意吉祥 团团圆圆 财源滚滚 新年快乐


最后祝我自己 勇气满满。lol wtf.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

All About 2012..

Hello 2013! Everyone seems like having their own plan last night but I'm staying home watching tv with my brother! Even my parents went for karaoke and counting down for 2013 but me?! TT Been sick for 4 days since I back from JB :/ I didn't want to waste my last day of 2012 but.. urgh why sickness came at this time.

Alright back to the topic. I bet everyone will post the same thing today which is NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS right? yeah so do I :p

Searching back my 2012 new year resolutions which I posted a year ago, I found out that I achieved most of it. :D

so here's my 2012 new year resolutions and the timeline of my 2012 experience :)

Resolutions :

1. get scholarship from Sun-Mapcu! NAH I DIDN'T EVEN APPLY FOR THIS -.-

2. - get into the course that I want HMM AT LEAST THE COURSE I'M DOING NOW IS WHAT I WANT :)

3. - get my P-license GOT IT! :D

4. get myself a camera!! OK 2013 RESOLUTIONS -.-

5.- get my first cheque from nuffnang CASH OUT DY BUT HAVEN'T RECEIVED THE CHEQUE! ><

6.- healthier than last year HMMM I THINK SO? :)

1. Done with SPM. Done with highschool.

2. Chinese New Year! had a great one with family :)

3. Daddy bought a new laptop for me ♥

1.  Went to Penang for vacation

2. it's leap year so there was 29.2.2012

1. Daddy got me an iPhone 4s ♥♥

2. SPM results released. got straight A's! :)

3. went to Yoga Lin <想自由> 签唱会

4. Received a reward from xiao yi all the way from JB ♥

1. Driving exam! got my P-license finally :)

2. Scholarship interview

1. Hari Anugerah Cemerlang. got reward from highschool :)

1. Went to Charlie Brown Cafe at KLCC

2. Enrolled into college

1. Scholarship award

1. had the first outing with college mates

2. 18th birthday celebrations with collegemates, highschool friends and family. got a precious present from mummy ♥

3. Exam month

4. Went to Bukit Jalil for MyFm 14th birthday bash
1. Farewell for chee teng. She's going to taiwan for studies :(

1. nothing much happened this month. study study and STUDY.

1. Birthday Surprise for Mimi Koo

2. study study study.

3. practice for GLT play

1. GLT play. first time ever.

2. Final exam ended. Sem break started. :D

3. first outing with Sum ♥

4. passed 21/12/2012 the doomsday


6. had fun with cousins in JB :)

As you can see, 2012 wasn't really good for me but neither was it very bad. hmm looking forward to 2013 :) hehe I even did a resolutions list and made it as my phone's wallpaper. lol

I hope I can achieve all the things that listed in the list! *sounds so weird -.-
will reveal what I want to take part in when I succeed. heeeehee. stay tuned yo. *grin*

so yeah that's all. happy new year everyone! ♥